Yes it is that time of the month again (no not that one) ... it is rebus time!!!!
This month the theme was "Name of Queensland Towns". I hope this isn't too hard for those of you who like to play along who live in the Northern Hemisphere, if it helps I got all the names for my rebus on the Wikipedia site here. Being a Queenslander I probably could have thought up some without looking at the site .... but it is always good to look just in case it comes up with something I hadn't thought of.
If you would like to solve it, why not post a comment to this blog post with your answers. I will let you know what the correct answers are next time I post a rebus card here.
Here are the solutions: from last months "D Words Rebus":
- Disneyland
- Dinosaur
- Drummer
- Dementor (from Harry Potter)
- Daughter
- Dangerous
Don't forget that you can see all my past rebus posts here. If you scroll down to some of the earlier ones it might help you work out what some of the symbols can be used for.
OMG, this one's way too tough for me :)
The only one I'm pretty sure of (but not the spelling) is #3 - Chinchilla
Thanks for thinking of us but I think I'll take a pass this month :)
oh this is a hard one even for a fellow Queenslander,LOL, if fact I had to research some of the spelling.
had fun Maryann
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